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April 11, 2024

Ep39 - Gilligan Gets Laid, Julie Can't Stop Man-Stealing

Ep39 - Gilligan Gets Laid, Julie Can't Stop Man-Stealing

🍸 Captain's Alcoholism comes in handy
πŸ‘¨β€πŸ¦½ Handicapped Vietnam Vet resolution
😚 Gilligan (Gilligan's island) picks up a lady friend
πŸ’£ Julie, a homewrecker - again!
πŸ₯ͺ We also talk Madonna, grilled cheese, & tomato soup,Β 

😐 #️MeToo: "I like how the captain draws a line not drinking at work, but he will have sex with women at work. He will grope women at work. He will threaten to kill people at work with keyholing."
β€” Charlotte

πŸ₯£ "Campbell's New Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup"
"Campbell's has just announced that it is coming out with a new grilled cheese and tomato soup in a can. It is described as comfort food heaven."
β€” Charlotte

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